

We are crew not passengers...

In September 2023, Saltaire Primary School introduced a new personal development programme, known as Crew. Based on the work of EL Education in the USA and XP Trust in the UK, Crew provides a daily opportunity to develop a deep-rooted sense of belonging within our school community. Through a structured and responsive curriculum, Crew leaders provide daily opportunities for children to reflect on their behavioural and academic achievements, relationships with others, and mental and physical wellbeing. In addition, children have regular opportunities to develop a deep understanding of the fundamental British values, protected characteristics and the international rights of the child.

Crew is designed to support and promote positive relationships and behaviours between children and their peers as well as building supportive and nurturing relationships between children and adults in school. It focuses on both academic and personal development and builds in time for children to reflect on their learning while simultaneously exploring ways they can make positive contributions to the community they are part of. Crew provides a meaningful platform for pupil voice, ensuring a strong sense of belonging and enabling every child to be seen and heard.

Each Crew is approximately 15 children in size and has a mixture of children from across the year group. There are four Crews in each year group - Innovators, Motivators, Explorers and Pioneers. Every Crew has a Crew Leader - a member of staff who leads each session, connecting with children on a daily basis and supporting them in every aspect of school life. During Crew sessions, children will engage in activities exploring a range of themes including academic progress, positive behaviour and kindness, community contribution, mental health and wellbeing as well as addressing issues and topics which arise as the year progresses.