Daley - Miss Woolley and Mr Feather
Ennis - Mrs Morrow
PE days - Monday and Wednesday
Help your child to rock their times tables
This year we will be sending Learn by Heart targets every two weeks. These consist of a maths recall target related to our work in class as well as 12 spellings taken from the national curriculum word list and based on the spelling rules we have been learning. Learning Log projects are also set every half term. Please see our newsletter for the dates that these will be sent out. We thank you for your continued support with your child’s learning.
The full list of spellings for years 3 and 4 can be found below.
National Curriculum Word Lists
The following list gives the words we would expect the children in Year 3 to be able to spell by the end of the year, in addition to other spelling patterns being taught throughout the year:
accident |
actual |
address |
answer |
appear |
arrive |
build |
busy |
circle |
complete |
decide |
describe |
different |
difficult |
early |
earth |
eight |
exercise |
extreme |
forward(s) |
fruit |
grammar |
group |
heard |
heart |
island |
learn |
material |
notice |
often |
opposite |
perhaps |
popular |
position |
possible |
probably |
promise |
quarter |
question |
recent |
regular |
remember |
sentence |
special |
straight |
strange |
strength |
suppose |
surprise |
therefore |
woman |
women |